THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for the outpouring of prayers and words of support that we have been receiving from all of you. It means so much to us that each one of you would take the time to think about us and our son and include us in your thoughts and prayers. Without the support of friends and family like you all, I don't know how a couple could make it through such a nightmare. Thank you again, I pray many blessings for each of you for your relentless support.
Well, as you can see by the title we've decided to officially give him a name. Since we'll be sending updates on his health we figured a name is a lot easier than calling him our "unborn son."
Kelsey and I finally got some good news today from the doctor. The three chromosomes tested came back normal but we'll have to wait until the end of next week for the results on the other 23. However, the three that were test were the ones most likely to be abnormal with this heart ailment.
Kelsey and I believe this is the beginning of good news from here on out. God has certainly humbled us and we have focused are attention entirely on Him and our son. We look forward to more positive news as God keeps his hand on our son and heals him of this heart defect.
Please continue to pray. While most of this update if filled with good news we are definitely not out of the woods yet. Very soon we will get to introduce Mason to the world thanks to an incredible Savior and the overwhelming support and prayers of you all.
God Bless all of you,
Greg and Kelsey
THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for the outpouring of prayers and words of support that we have been receiving from all of you. It means so much to us that each one of you would take the time to think about us and our son and include us in your thoughts and prayers. Without the support of friends and family like you all, I don't know how a couple could make it through such a nightmare. Thank you again, I pray many blessings for each of you for your relentless support.
Well, as you can see by the title we've decided to officially give him a name. Since we'll be sending updates on his health we figured a name is a lot easier than calling him our "unborn son."
Kelsey and I finally got some good news today from the doctor. The three chromosomes tested came back normal but we'll have to wait until the end of next week for the results on the other 23. However, the three that were test were the ones most likely to be abnormal with this heart ailment.
Kelsey and I believe this is the beginning of good news from here on out. God has certainly humbled us and we have focused are attention entirely on Him and our son. We look forward to more positive news as God keeps his hand on our son and heals him of this heart defect.
Please continue to pray. While most of this update if filled with good news we are definitely not out of the woods yet. Very soon we will get to introduce Mason to the world thanks to an incredible Savior and the overwhelming support and prayers of you all.
God Bless all of you,
Greg and Kelsey
We have just recently found out about Mason so we add to your list of people who are keeping each of you in our prayers. We send our love and best wishes for your continuing strength and courage.
All our best to all of you!
Rob and Beth Dickson
i just found out about the website for little mason. i love the name by the way. i just wanted to let you and kelsey know that i will keep you in my prayers daily. i know that God will continue to bless your family. He will always be there and never give you too much to bare. please continue to keep us all updated as you get the time and are able to talk about it. give kelsey a big hug and remember that if either of you ever need anything don't hesitate to give me a call.
love ya'll,
leslie sleeper