"Do not forsake your mother's teaching" Proverbs 1:8 NIV "There is NO greater place of ministry, position or power than that of a mother". I guess when I first became a christian these words wouldnt have spoken to me. I was not a Mom. God had not yet taught me the truth of this statement and honestly I probaly would have missed it. I reflected upon these verses after Mason was "out of the woods"... Now what? I thought. I have a Husband, a home to manage, a child to raise and a full steam career ahead.... I reflected upon this possibility and it was completely foriegn to me. God opened my eyes and turned my thoughts around. When I became a mother I spent most of my prayer time and study time in the word with the headline of HEALING... Now that our life had calmed down and would be considered by most normal - I changed my time with the Lord. My headline shifted from "Healing" to "Motherhood as Ministry". This passion grew...