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Showing posts from January, 2015

WHY WE LIMIT SUGAR in our kids diet....

Okay. You have probably noticed from my social media posts that we have been experiencing with sugar free recipes so I thought before I shared some of our favorite sugar free or limited sugar recipes (including the MOST amazing almost-sugar free ice-cream recipe) I would explain why since this is usually the first question anyone asks… My Daughter Kendall has been throwing the most horrific tantrums. Not normal, out of body tantrums. They seriously make me feel like we are failing as her parents.  I know tantrums are normal in young kids but I would venture to bet Kendall’s are on the worse side of the spectrum. Of course these tantrums don’t get blasted all over social media so when you see her in photos you see a spirited beautiful little girl which she OF COURSE IS but when she is in the middle of her tantrum there is NO reasoning with her and it is almost impossible to help her calm down.  That beautiful sweet little girl disappears and it breaks my heart. ...